Who I Am
It's so nice to meet you!
I am the mother of two Frankfort High School alumni and the grandmother of two Second Street School students.
My family is from Northern Kentucky but I grew up in Frankfort, in Blanton Acres. I attended Thornhill Elementary and graduated from Franklin County HIgh School.
I studied journalism at the University of Kentucky before leaving school to pursue a career in restaurant management. For the last 18 years I’ve worked with Ouita Michel as manager of Holly Hill Inn, director of Holly Hill Events, and now as content manager/storyteller for Holly Hill and Co.
I've served our community as a volunteer with The Sunshine Center, Citizens for Open Government, WalkBike Frankfort and the Rotary Club of Frankfort.
My father and uncle were teachers. My cousin was a teacher. My nephew is a teacher.
I believe public education is the single most important institution in our country.
What if we made it our highest priority? What would that look like?
Let's find out together.